There's a convention, which is oft-repeated but I've been unable to verify, that more people write poetry than read it. By which is meant - more people fancy themselves as poets than will actually fork out hard cash for someone else's book of poems and thus support the art and inform themselves about it.
Similarly, there sometimes seem to be more people involved in amateur theatre in Canberra than actually go to watch professional theatre. I've been to some wonderful theatre lately that has played to depressingly small audiences; apart from the critics I haven't recognised many of the faces in those little crowds.
So, here's where I fall back on my "dilettante" handle.
I'm not going to review Widowbird right now.
I have seen it, and I think it is flawed, but I also think it is valuable.
So, if you do support theatre, then this would be a great opportunity to demonstrate that support by investing in a ticket to see a new work by a local author (Emma Gibson, who also wrote the 2010 Street Theatre production Love Cupboard and won the 2009 'Logues with Morally Bankrupt), performed by local professional actors (props to Leigh Arundell and Dene Kermond in particular) and a composer/musician (Stephen Fitzgerald), with the sound, lighting and stage managing support of the Street Theatre and significant additional investment from the Street, including bringing over New York director Joanne Schultz.
After the run, I may post a review, and if so I hope people will comment, because I think this is really worthy of discussion.
Fair enough?
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